/ The Economist

World in figures

To help The Economist digitise their popular annual pocket guide 'World In Figures' into a subscription-driven, native app.

  • Publishing
  • Education
  • Native app
  • Gamification

/ Our Approach

Working with a variety of stakeholders across The Economist Group, we planned, designed and developed an entirely new version of the 'World In Figures' App that is accessible across multiple platforms – iOS, Android (mobile & tablet) and the Web.

The new App includes a host of functional, technical, user experience and design improvements, allowing users to explore, compare and test their knowledge across a vast amount of indices and data points.

  • The Economist carousel image
  • The Economist carousel image 2
  • The Economist carousel image 3
  • The Economist carousel image 4

    The new App includes a host of functional, technical, user experience and design improvements, allowing users to explore, compare and test their knowledge across a vast amount of indices and data points.

    The Economist content image
    The Economist content image

    User engagement and subscription rates have increased significantly, and the App also won both 'Gold' and the 'Peoples Choice Award' for Best Mobile Application at the European Lovie Awards and a German Design Council Award.