/ TM Forum
The research team at the TMForum approached us to deliver an interactive data visualisation solution combining quantitative and qualitative research data that tracked revenue growth across the telecoms industry.
The solution needed to seamlessly integrate with TMForums’ existing tech stack and showcase trends, metrics, and services expansion across B2B, B2C, and the individual performance of 33 global telecom operators.
Carrying out our own data analysis helped us define and craft each key data view and drive our broader strategy to deliver a series of beautifully designed visualisations for deployment within the TMForum website.
There was also an opportunity to take users on a natural journey, from the initial ‘big picture’ historical performance into more nuanced content that enabled the filtering and comparison of revenue streams and operator performance across a range of key metrics.
The fully integrated data tool provides users with a simple, intuitive interface that offers easy access to a series of dynamic charts and data visualisations.
This case study is an excellent example of how a relatively simple data tool can present information and data that would otherwise be more difficult and time-consuming to consume.
The success and versatility of the initial project meant that the original tool was easily re-purposed to display data for the Asia Pacific region when it became available.