/ Swiss Re
Shortly after being appointed Swiss Re's global data design partner, the team asked us to design and develop a new, data-driven experience and a suite of campaign assets that helped raise awareness of the global economic impact of climate change.
Swiss Re's ongoing research into climate change resulted in the Climate Economics Index. The index determines how climate change will impact 48 countries representing 90% of the world economy by comparing their climate resilience across a range of key variables.
Our initial task was to disseminate the data and structure to enable users to explore and make natural comparisons across a wide range of countries and indices.
The tool needed to sit within Swiss Re's existing web framework, so we designed the index using a single, fluid interface. This integrated approach ensured a compelling destination experience that was a focal point for the broader campaign.
The data index and campaign featured in several global publications, including the New York Times and underpins a key report that kicks off Swiss Re's Climate Resilience Campaign for 2021, leading to the COP26 UN climate change conference later this year.
At SOAK, we create innovative, data-driven tools and visualisations that provide clarity and insight, enabling us to make more informed decisions about our lives or businesses and, in this case, the future of our planet!