/ 22.04.24

My first week at Soak: Soaked in opportunities

Buzzed into the building, armed with a takeaway coffee and excitement, I made my way up the stairs to the second floor. (I would later learn the lift was a far better option).

It’s always nerve-wracking, isn’t it? Starting a new job. Am I going to like it? Will I fit in? Will I be good at the job?!

The trepidation swirls around your stomach, a whole kaleidoscope of butterflies, fluttering around. But as soon as I entered the office, I knew I was in the right place (for me, not just that I got the location correct!)

Warm welcomes, smiles and introductions, cups of coffee and biscuits, presentations and training. I was shown my desk; my own space within Soak, my seat for creativity and fun. Opening the cover of my new notebook, the fresh untouched pages rang synonymous with the fresh opportunities that awaited me.

There were personal touches, a warm welcome message on my Slack from our co-founder Jake, and a personalised mug with my coffee order (oat milk, strong, 2 sugars if you’re wondering).

The first part of my day detailed the history of Soak. From humble beginnings to being now a hallmark, award-winning digital design agency.

I learned the ethos, visions and values, which are displayed every day by the Soak team.

My brain buzzing with new information, my mind taking it all in.

By my second day, I’d been invited for a pub lunch and natter with two colleagues. From Jacob and Russell, I learned the inner workings of Soak, the types of music everyone likes (more on that later), the Soak socials, and the bright future.

Music is a very important tool for the Soak world. Each day the speakers are warmed up, slowly with some throwback Britpop and by the afternoon, the caffeine buzz hits and so does the input of Nush with some drum and bass.

I’m still trying to get Vengaboys in the mix somehow.

The rest of the week allowed me to fill page upon page of scribble in my notebook, taking in as much information as I could retain.

I was able to sit down with members of different departments; Technical, Creative, Client Services and Operations.

I went on a journey through the creative process, seeing the magic happen. Learning about project kick-offs to project launches. Looking through the catalogue of amazing work Soak has produced, even the colourways excited me.

I began to see how the inside of the Soak machine worked. How everyone represents a different chord, but together, a harmonious tune is played.

Throughout the week, I was introduced to different clients and added to a multitude of Slack channels, seeing live updates coming in. One Slack channel in particular caught my eye…I bore witness to the beauty of the Soak-Pets thread. Obviously adding in a picture of my British short-haired cat named Socks.

By the time Friday had rolled around, I was fully immersed, fully stuck in and a fully-fledged member of the Soak team, and I cannot wait for the opportunities ahead.